Best Rom for Xperia Arc S (JJ's Hybrid Official v1.1)

Here is a ROM for ARC/S users.. Based on Stock ICS 4.0.3 FW .562.. I don't own an Arc but this Rom is made entirely from Arc files... similar to my Ray Rom

Most of the Sony Bloatwares and Useless apps and other files removed for smoothness and made it look like AOSP ICS as much as I could do to give you stability, performance and Best of Both Worlds...

Light - Stable - Fast

Things that are AOSP or look alike
1) Apps and those from Sony are changed to AOSP icons
2) Matching Lock Screen and Modded Framework.jar to have AOSP touch
3) AOSP Sounds
4) Matching AOSP Toggle Widgets (thanks to hansip87)
5) Removed lots of Sony Stuff... too lazy to Mention...
6) AOSP Keyboard

1) Latest Android market (Play Shop)
2) Init.d and build.prop tweak. thanks to Nexperia Team
3) Most Gapps included
4) Stock Sony Camera with AOSP icon
5) APN Settings Predefined
6) xloud and bravia engine included

Download the ROM..
Put in SD Card..
Flash ICS Kernel with CWM Recovery... No need to Flash kernel if you have already...
Go into Recovery and DO FULL WIPE and Flash the ROM,.. boot the ROM once... Flash any Addons then

1) ROM v1.1 Official (16-4-2012) TORRENT DOWNOAD
(can be Flashed on Top of v1.0 but Recommend is Full wipe)


1)Stock ICS Beta Kernel with CWM HERE (thanks cobrato)
2) Use Kernel by jimbo77 HERE (for Overclocking)
3) DoomLord ICS kernel but dont know since I dont have ARC to test..

JJHybrid Official Ver 1.1 (16-4-12)

Replaced Nova Launcher with Apex
Fixed Lost Status Bar with Black wallpaper issue(thanks hansip87 for finding the prob. He has been really very helpful )
Added Livewallpaper Picker
Added AOSP Power Widgets by Default
Added Blue Color/Date in Status Bar Time By Default
Replaced MIUI Music player with AOSP Music Player
Fixed Bookmarks Sync Issue with Browser
Fixed 3G Data File size download Limitation
Added Latest Google Market
Added latest Gmail

JJHybrid Official Ver 1.0 (12-4-12)


Based on Official Version ICS Sony..
Nova Launcher instead of Trebuchet on users demand
Added Google Quick Search
Removed most of those Bloatwares stuff and apps and their country settings to make it global.
Added Toggle Widgets
Added Reboot Menu
Added 2G/3G toggle
Added AOSP LockScreen
Added Widgets for Phone and Messaging Counters...(DONT Update it via Market since its modded one-just ignore the update)
AOSP Theme by default (Dont apply Black Theme)
Battery mods and Widgets and all those status bar mods present by default. Battery % mods in second post(Will be provided later)
Revised and added Only two tweaks added in init.d.. U can try urs which
Rooted with Busy box and SQlite installed
AOSP Email/ Exchange Added
MIUI AOSP Music Player added
Reboot Menu not present. will wait for hansip otherwise wait for official
Added AOSP Digital + Analogue Clock Widget from KANG AOKP Rom..
Updated to Latest Youtube, Market and Gmail (4.0.5) application
Zip Aligned All Apks
Added aditional patch for enabling Colored clock, Power Widgets.
Added Latest MIUI FileExplorer and LED Flash Widget in User Data so its easily removable on choice

1) After booting up ROM there will be no Keyboard... So please go to Settings>Language and Input> and Click Default and Select Android Keyboard. Will make a Patch for Sony Keyboard if most guys want...

2) Please allow the ROM to settle for atleast an 2-3hrs as Media Scanners, sync etc etc always run on First boot... Then check the smoothness...

3) Set Windows animations in Developers Options to .5x or just disable it for a snappier experience...

4) For Trebuchet Launcher, my favourite app drawer animation is ZOOM in (Trebuchet Settings>Drawer>Transition animations).. its smooth and cool...

5) If you want to take Screenshots, press Vol Down+Power Button for 1 sec

6) If you want to Save Battery , use FREE Underclocking app from Google Play Store(Market) called No-frills CPU... (thanks Sirkay for the tip)
Min -122Mhz
Max 768 or 806Mhz.. (Rom will still run Smooth...)
and I/O Scheduler- noop

Secondly, If you dont Sync Gallery photos then turn off Photo Sync in Settings> Accounts>Tap ur email>Sync Google-Photos (turn it Off)

7) You can use SuperCharge Scripts to Lockhome in Memory

8) If you have questions regarding the Rom, please don't pm me... just ask your questions on thread. . i read every post and will answer as much as i could...

Bugs: Complete list of Bugs HERE. Other than that there is NONE...

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